Substance Use & Addiction Counseling Services

Master MindCoach Amanda Vierra is licensed (non-governmental) and certified in the State of California through CCAPP as an alcohol and drug counselor, and is a Master Addiction Counselor through NCC AP. She can provide outpatient coaching and counseling as related to wellness and recovery from addiction, using both abstinence and harm reduction frameworks. Amanda does not dispense medical advice nor provide psychotherapy.

While there are some similarities between coaching and psychotherapy, they are very different activities and it is important that you understand the differences between them. Psychotherapy is a health care service and is often reimbursable through health insurance policies. This is not true for coaching. Both coaching and psychotherapy utilize knowledge of human behavior, motivation and behavioral change, and interactive counseling techniques. The major differences are in the goals, focus, and level of professional responsibility.

The focus of coaching is development and implementation of strategies to reach client-identified goals of enhanced performance and personal satisfaction. Coaching may address specific personal projects, life balance, job performance and satisfaction, or general conditions in the client’s life, business, or profession. Coaching utilizes personal strategic planning, values clarification, brainstorming, motivational counseling, and other counseling techniques.

Services may include, but are not limited to:

  • Intake & Assessment
  • Individualized goal setting and treatment recommendations
  • Referral to psychiatry and/or psychotherapy
  • Referral to residential and/or detox resources
  • Case management & Advocacy
  • Individual counseling and Motivational Interviewing
  • Relapse Prevention
  • Collateral (family, friends) resources and support

Addiction Issues Treated

  • Alcohol
  • Amphetamines & Methamphetamine
  • Barbiturates
  • Bath Salts, Designer Drugs, and Spice
  • Cannabis/Marijuana & Synthetic Marijuana
  • Cocaine
  • Crack Cocaine
  • Food (appropriate referrals made for eating disorders)
  • Gambling
  • Gaming
  • MDMA (Ecstasy & Molly)
  • Nicotine
  • Opiates (Heroin, Methadone, Oxy, Fentanyl, etc.)
  • PCP
  • Prescription Drugs (sleep aids, benzodiazepines, etc.)
  • Sedatives
  • Shrooms or Psilocin